What is Human Design?

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what is human design?

If you’re thinking “Great. I LOVE a good personality test!” This isn’t that. But it’s better, I promise.

Here’s the thing about tests, they are a bit biased. Because we answer them from our minds, we will always be answering from a place of conditioning. A good Meyers Briggs test will tell you exactly who you consciously think you are and it might get you 60% right. Human design offers a chance to look at your entire being stripped from the conditioning of the outside world to reveal your true, authentic self. To go really deep on you here, your Human design body graph is kind of like a road map back to your soul.

Human Design uses your birth time and place to calculate your personal Human Design bodygraph. Kind of like a birth chart? Kind of like a birth chart on steroids! The Human Design System integrates astrology, the I’Ching, Chakras, Kabbala and Quantum physics, and while the positions of Sun, Moon and planets at the time of your birth play an important role- Human Design is not astrology.

I have a hard time believing in this woo-woo stuff! Amazing. Please don’t believe anything you hear. Human Design doesn’t want to be believed in, anyway. It wants to be lived. Belief is not a prerequisite to uncover the benefits of living by your design, all it really requires it that you are willing to experiment.

Each Body Graph is completely unique but there are five overarching energy types. Each energy type is designed to interact with the world differently and has a specific strategy to approach opportunities, decisions and life itself. What works for one type may be radically different than what works for another. When you use your correct strategy, you’ll find yourself entering flow state: resistance is lowered, vitality is heightened and manifestations become accessible.

A strategy? But… I don’t want to be told how to live my life. Most will find that understanding their design feels liberating. It is permission to be YOU without the guilt, shame or shadow. Once you are reminded of what makes you uniquely different as a human being, you’ll begin to understand your divine responsibility to be exactly who you are.

There is so much to explore within Human Design and just learning your energy type, alone, can be life changing!

Start by looking up your bodygraph (here) to find your energy type. You’ll need your birth details including your exact birth time.

The 5 Energy Types + Strategies:

Manifestors- The initiators. When you think of something you want to call in, or do, you don’t have to wait to move yourself into action. You have an exceptional ability to bring in world whatever it is you envision. You often feel pressure to get things started and to create impact. Creation is the key to fulfilling your purpose. Your strategy is to inform anyone who will be impacted by your manifestations. Inform after you have made the decision, but before you act on it. When you inform, you lower the energetic resistance so that you can manifest in peace.

Generators & Manifesting Generators - The energy creators. Generator types are here to do meaningful work— the meaningful part is key. Doing the work you love gives you the feeling of complete satisfaction. The correct work will transform your life! Your strategy is to respond. Life must show you something first, you respond either “yes, that lights me up” or “no, that doesn’t” from your gut, and only then take action. Without the responding, the Generator does not know if what is ahead of them is truly an energetic fit and will likely lead to misalignment and frustration. Responding before taking action lets the Universe know “all green lights, here. Let the good times (and the right relationship, house, experiences) roll!”

Projectors- The seers. You are here to lead us, but the key is they must be asked to guide. Projectors have the gift of insight and see deeply into others but often struggle to fully see themselves. With your unique vision, you are here on earth to help the other types use their energy in the best way. Your strategy is to wait for the invitation. Your process may seem a bit slower than those around you, but that does not mean that you are “lazy.” A Projector waiting for the invitation to share or engage is completely in their power. When you wait for the opportunities to invite you in, you will be recognized for your wisdom + strengths. On the flip side, if you try to force it, you will likely meet challenges and resistance.

Reflectors- The mirrors. Unusually sensitive to the world around you, you pick up on the energies of everyone within your community. Your sense of well-being is like a temperature check of the community at the large. You naturally navigate change well but require time to make decisions. Reflectors are lunar beings. Your strategy is to wait a lunar cycle (28 days) before making a big decision. When you allow yourself to experience the ebbs and flows the lunar cycle, you can come to a decision that reflects the real you.

Kiera Doyle1 Comment